Helen's Professional Publications
Brown S, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Saini P, Salmon P (2019) Warranting the Decision-Maker, Not the Decision: How Healthcare Practitioners Evaluate the Legitimacy of Patients’ Unprompted Requests for Risk-Reducing Mastectomy. Patient Education and Counseling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. pec.2019.03.007
Brown S Whiting D, Fielden H, Saini P, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Holcombe S, Greenhalgh L, Fairburn L, Salmon P (2017) Qualitative analysis of how patients decide that they want risk-reducing mastectomy, and the implications for surgeons in responding to emotionally-motivated patient requests. Plos One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0178392
Fielden, H., Brown, S., Saini, P., Beesley, H., & Salmon, P. (2017). How do women at increased breast cancer risk perceive and decide between risks of cancer and risk‐reducing treatments? A synthesis of qualitative research, Psycho-oncology, 1-9.
Baker P, Beesley H, Fletcher I, Ablett J, Holcombe C, Salmon P (2016) Getting back to 'normal' or 'a new type of normal'? A qualitative study of patients' responses to the existential threat of cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, 25 (1), 180-189.
Harding R, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Fisher J, Salmon P (2015) Are patient-nurse relationships in breast cancer linked to adult attachment style? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3, DOI: 10.1111/jan.12693
Baker P, Beesley H, Dinwoodie R, Fletcher I, Ablett J, Holcombe C, Salmon P. (2012) 'You're putting thoughts into my head': a qualitative study of the readiness of patients with breast, lung or prostate cancer to address emotional needs through the first 18 months after diagnosis. Psycho-oncology, 22, 1402-1410.
Beesley H, Holcombe C, Brown SL and Salmon P (2012) Risk, worry and cosmesis in decision-making for contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy: Analysis of 60 consecutive cases in a specialist breast unit. The Breast
Beesley H, Ullmer H, Holcombe C, Salmon P (2012) How patients evaluate breast reconstruction after mastectomy, and why their evaluation often differs from that of their clinicians. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 65 (8) 1064-1071
Clark L, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Salmon P (2011) The influence of childhood abuse and adult attachment style on clinical relationships in breast cancer care. General Hospital Psychiatry, 33 (6), 579-586.
Pegman S, Beesley H, Holcombe C, Mendick N, Salmon P. (2011) Understanding variability in patients’ sense of relationship with breast cancer surgeons: the relative importance of surgeon and patient variation and the influence of patients’ attachment style. Patient Education & Counselling, 83 (1), 125-128.
Beesley, H, Rhodes, J. and Salmon, P. (2010) Anger and childhood sexual abuse are independently associated with irritable bowel syndrome. British Journal of Health Psychology, 15 (2) 389-399
Beesley, H. Salmon, P. and Holcombe, C. (2007) ‘The challenge of integrating different models of practice: Reflections on developing a psychology service in a breast unit’. Clinical Psychology Forum, 174, 17-20.